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어쿠루브 (Acourve) – 사랑한다 말할래 (Want to Tell You I Love You)

I hate having big eyes. Absolutely nothing good comes out of it. Not only do my eyes seem to capture all the floating crap in the air, they also dry out quicker, and worst of all, I’ve been called basically every huge-eyed animal that walks (tarsier), swims (frog), or flies (owl) on this planet. And the other night, of course, I couldn’t help but scratch my left eye while taking my contacts off. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but the next morning, I woke up to this white dot in my eye:
eye(I’m sorry, I should’ve warned you guys of this picture)

Now, I rarely make visits to the doctor’s office or take any kind of medicine. My mom, however, has a history of eye problems due to her weak lens, and I didn’t want to risk something potentially going wrong with my already bad vision (I do have a cute eyepatch picked out just in case). So I decided to go to the doctor’s and it turns out that I have corneal ulcer. Nothing too serious, but still needs to be treated. I guess the worst part of it all is that the eye medications were so damn expensive.
20151122_001930That little bottle of goo costs $250 (I have pretty small hands too). And yes, it’s goo. Literal goo in my eye.
Every time I put that stuff into my eye, it feels like I’m feeding the little dot. I’m allergic to dogs and cats, so it’s kind of nice to have a pet dot… maybe I should give it a name. But all jokes aside, I hope it goes away soon. Good for you guys with your problemless average-sized eyes.
acourveEnough about me, let’s talk about our song for the day. It’s another song by Acourve, and I actually came across something funny while I was looking this song up on Youtube. I noticed that the English translation for the song title was “I would love horses”, and unless equinophilia is your thing, that doesn’t seem like a great title (Well I did love the book Equus…). Turns out Google Translate gives back the same result. Good thing you guys have me to fix all your darkest sexual desires. I was thinking of writing about love and what that word means to me, but it’s not every day that I get a chance to talk about horses, so maybe next time .

어쿠루브 – 사랑한다 말할래

하루 종일 네 생각만 하며 보냈어
밤새 고민하고 혼자 연극을 했어
수 많은 밤을 지샌 뒤 깨달았던 건
이대로 너를 보내면 후회 할거야

너에게 하얀 꽃을 주려 해
용기를 내서 말해볼 거야

사랑한다 말할래 이제는 더 이상 내게는
시간이 없어 너의 등 뒤에서
입술을 깨물고 떨리는 이 목소리로
사랑해 좋아해 너는 어떡할래

네가 머물다간 자리엔 향기가 나
마른 낙엽 같은 내게 웃어주던 너
햇살이 눈부신 오후 네가 곁에서
내 손을 잡아준다면 행복할 텐데

너에게 내 모든걸 주려 해
사랑한다는 확신을 줄게

사랑한다 말할래 이제는 더 이상 내게는
시간이 없어 너의 등 뒤에서
입술을 깨물고 떨리는 이 목소리로
사랑해 좋아해 너는 어떡할래

참 오래도 걸렸어 너에게
하고 싶었던 말 어제 와는 달라
너가 원한다면 정말 괜찮다면
네 손잡아줄게 가득 안아줄게
늘 이렇게

사랑한다 말할래 오늘은 반드시 말할래
알고 있잖아 널 많이 사랑해
잠시라도 너를 안아 줄 수만 있다면
너에게 내 맘이 전해질 것 같아

사랑한다 말할래 이제는 더 이상 내게는
시간이 없어 너의 등 뒤에서
입술을 깨물고 떨리는 이 목소리로
사랑해 좋아해 너는 어떡할래
Acourve – Want to Tell You I Love You

I spent the whole day thinking about you
I was up all night acting it out in my head
After awhile, what I realized is that
I can’t let you go like this

I’ll give you these white flowers and
Muster up my strength to tell you

I want to tell you I love you
I’ve been waiting for too long
With my shaky voice standing behind your back,
I love you, I like you, so what about you

The lingering scent of yours
The way you smiled at me that time
How happy I would be to be next to you
Holding your hand under the setting sun

I’ll give you my everything
And prove you my love

I want to tell you I love you
I’ve been waiting for too long
With my shaky voice standing behind your back,
I love you, I like you, so what about you

It took me a long enough already,
I want to tell you more than yesterday
If you want me to, if it’s OK,
I’ll hold your hand and hold you tight
Forever and ever

I want to tell you today
You know I love you with all my heart
If I could hug you just for a moment
I would be able to show you how I feel

I want to tell you I love you
I’ve been waiting for too long
With my shaky voice standing behind your back,
I love you, I like you, so what about you

Michael Administrator

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